A.C. AMMETER 0 TO 19.99A

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A.C. AMMETER 0 TO 19.99A

The Philip Harris range of digital meters have been designed to provide accurate, high quality instruments for education applications. The design of the meters, including the positioning and identification of the 4mm sockets and graphics on the front panel, ease the conceptual jump from circuit diagram to physical implementation.

Digital A.C. Ammeter

  • Range: 0 to 19.99A.
  • Input Impedance: 0.01 Ohm
  • Overload Capability: 100V.
  • Frequency Response, ±2%: 0 to 10kHz.
  • Display: 31/2 digit LCD with polarity and low battery indication.
  • Battery: Internal 9v battery PP3 or equivalent (not included).
  • Expected Battery Life: 5000 hours.
  • Automatic switch off after 50 minutes of inactivity.
  • Accuracy: +1% of full scale indication typical.
  • Dimensions: 130mm x 92mm x 55mm

The unit is powered by an internal PP3 battery which is not included, but is available to purchase separately (B8R05410).

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