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The Basic Micro-Chemistry kit is a good starter kit, that allows students the ability to perform a wide range of chemical experiments, that previously required macro scale apparatus. Designed so students can work individually or in groups. 

Topics that may be covered by this kit include:

  • Chemical Equilibrium
  • Acid Base Chemistry
  • Rates of Reaction
  • stoichiometry
  • Reactions of Metals & their salt solutions
  • Enthalpy Changes
  • Reactivity of Group 7 Elements
  • Industrial Pollution
  • Diffusion
  • solubility of sulphates in Water

Micro-science is simply traditional Macro scale science on a micro scale. It uses equipment and techniques that mirror those used in industrial, clinical and forensic laboratories.

There are many investigation examples to be found on the Royal society of Chemistry website

Although featured here in our Chemistry section, Micro-science is also applicable to Physics and Biology investigations.

Benefits of Micro-science:

  • More efficient and effective
  • More orderly learning environment (less moving around the room, no rush for limited apparatus, mainly seated during practical activities)
  • Encourages good scientific attitudes (attention to detail, careful observation, working systematically)
  • safety is enhanced as much smaller quantities of chemicals are used or produced, greatly reduces risks
  • Possibility of breakages / spillages greatly reduced, encouraging confidence and hands-on' involvement
  • smaller quantities also reduce the chemicals that are disposed of at the end of lessons, reducing pollution
  • With Micro-science, investigations can be completed quickly giving more time for thinking about results and drawing conclusions and students can also retain more reliable data by gaining time to repeat observations

Kit Contents:

  • 1 x Comboplate
  • 6 x Micro pipettes
  • 1 x spatula
  • 1 x Forceps
  • 1 x Container
  • 10 x Universal Indicator Test Paper
  • 1 x Lid Gas 1
  • 1 x Lid Gas 2
  • 1 x Microburner
  • 1 x syringe 2.5ml
  • 1 x pH Guide each
  • 1 x silicon Tube 4.5cm
  • 2 x Glass Combustion Tube + Lid
  • 1 x Gas Collecting Tube
  • 1 x Glass Rod 6cm
  • 3 x Wooden spatulas
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