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A robust instrument for general laboratory use with all the advantages of the spacesaver case. This updated model has a more accurate Direct Digital synthesis signal source. The output signal is adjustable over the full audio range and beyond with a low level of distortion. Coarse frequency control is by way of a rotary switch spanning four decades and a calibrated tuning dial provides for fine frequency setting. The newly added LCD screen allows the user to accurately read the selected frequency.

Output level is continuously variable up to a maximum of 2V r.m.s. under open circuit conditions. An audible signal from the built in speaker can be selected by depressing a front panel membrane switch. A similar switch enables selection of sinusoidal or square waveform, the status indicated by LEDs.

Technical specification:

  • Frequency Range: 10Hz to 110kHz in four decade ranges selected by rotary switch
  • Wave Forms: sine or square waveform selected by push switch with LED indication
  • sine Wave Distortion: 0.005%
  • square Wave Rise Time: Better than 0.25µs
  • Output: 0-2 rms (5.6V peak to peak) open circuit
  • Output Control: Continuously variable amplitude control
  • Built-in speaker: switch- selected with LED indicator
  • Floating Output: separate Earth terminal
  • Mains switch: Rocker switch with indicator light


  • Width: 175mm
  • Diameter: 190mm
  • Height: 298mm
  • Mass: 3.1Kg

Please be aware that this instrument is suitable for signal investigations, however, it Is NOT sUITABLE by itself for driving a loudspeaker, ripple tank or Vibration Generator. If you require an instrument for that purpose please refer to our Power signal Generator (B8G85793).

The Bench signal Generator can be used alongside our Power Amplifier (B8R07696) to drive the loudspeaker, ripple tank, Vibration Generator where a Power signal Generator is unavailable.

This device is compliant to EN61010-2010 and certificates are available on request.

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