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Please Note: This is a simulated Gene Detection kit which has been developed for use in education.  It is not suitable for diagnostics or clinical use.

Immortality through uncontrolled cell division is a characteristic of cancer cells. The p53 gene is a tumour suppressor gene which prevents this. Mutations in this gene are present in more than 50% of cancers. Testing people for mutations in their p53 gene can indicate an increased risk in developing cancer. These tests raise intriguing ethical questions for both the individual tested and the family of an individual who chooses to be tested.

In this experiment, students determine a pedigree for a family suspected to be carriers of mutations in their p53 genes. A DNA test indicates their likelihood of developing cancer.

This Cancer Gene Detection Kit includes the reagents needed to produce up to 8 electrophoresis gels.

  • Group size: For 8 gels
  • storage: Room Temperature stable, storage of Ready-to Load Quickstrip™ DNA samples in the refrigerator is recommended.
  • Time Required: Complete in 45 minutes

The kit includes:

  • Full instructions
  • Ready-to Load Quickstrip™ DNA samples
  • Ultraspec-Agarose™
  • Electrophoresis Buffer (50x)
  • Practice Gel Loading solution
  • FlashBlue™ DNA stain
  • Instastain® Blue Cards
  • Disposable pipettes

Additional required materials (not included with the kit):

  • DNA Electrophoresis Tank, with accessories including casting trays, micropipettes & special power supply (B8R03273)
  • Illuminator - optional (PP00052452)
  • Microwave or hot plate
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