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The Grammar Handbooks from Jolly Phonics contain 36 spelling and 36 grammar and punctuation lessons for the full year of teaching. Lessons continue to build upon the knowledge and skills children have been taught in previous years.

Grammar Handbook 1 covers the following topics:

  • Revision and extension of earlier phonics teaching
  • Vowel digraphs
  • Alternative spellings of vowel sounds
  • Plural endings
  • short vowels and consonant doubling
  • Tricky words
  • Consonant blends
  • Nouns - proper/common/plurals
  • Personal pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Conjugating verbs - past/present/future
  • Adjectives and adverbs
  • When to use a/an/the
  • sentences - capital letters, full stops and speech marks
  • Parsing - identifying the parts of speech in sentences
  • Alphabetical order
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