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The spectrometer is an incredibly important and powerful scientific instrument, as it allows analysis of the composition of matter and the structure of atoms, just from the light emitted or absorbed by it.

The principle is simple; incident light is bent, or refracted, through an optical device such as a prism or diffraction grating. A spectrum is produced, each wavelength of light refracted by a unique angle. By measuring the angles at which light is refracted, a precise spectrum can be determined. By looking at what spectral lines are missing, otherwise known as an absorption spectrum, the composition of a body that does not emit its own light, such as a gas cloud, can be determined.

A spectrometer has applications in many areas of science, including astronomy and analytical chemistry. When combined with a spectrum Lamp, spectrometers provide an accessible way to teach this essential area of Physics.


  • 150 mm diameter circle is fixed, the table and telescope movements are completely independent of each other.
  • Both movements can be read to 30 sec. of arc by means of double ended verniers.
  • Both rotations have fine adjustment screws, and release of a clamping screw enables coarse adjustment to be made by hand.


  • Mounted on fixed pillar and fitted with 178mm focus achromatic objective, 28mm clear aperture.
  • Also fitted is a unilaterally adjustable slit 7mm long.


  • Mounted on moveable pillar and fitted with 178mm focus achromatic objective, 28mm clear aperture.
  • Also fitted is an x10 Ramsden eyepiece and glass cross line graticule.

Both the telescope and the collimator have rack and pinion focusing.

Prism Table:

  • The table is marked with lines to assist lacing the prism with respect to the table levelling screws, and has interchangeable clamping units for the prism and a diffraction grating.

Standard accessories supplied:

  • 1 x prism clamp
  • 1 x diffraction grating holder.
  • 1 x hand magnifier
  • 1 x tommy bar for adjusting optical axes.
  • 1 x plywood case
  • Comprehensive setting up instructions provided.

Spectrometer Prims can be purchased separately (B8A46413).

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