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Comprises of 4000 1/4W Carbon Film Resistors. 40 different values from the E6 Range. Packs 50.

Includes: 0R, 1R, 1R5, 2R2, 3R3, 4R7, 6R8, 10R, 15R, 22R, 33R, 47R, 68R, 100R, 150R, 220R, 330R, 470R, 680R, 1K, 1K5, 2K2, 3K3, 4K7, 6K8, 10K, 15K, 22K, 33K, 47K, 68K, 100K, 150K, 220K, 330K, 470K, 680K, 1M, 1M5, 10M.

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