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This smart Metals sample pack contains labelled samples of all the smart metals for evaluation, supplied in a rigid plastic case.

  • 1 x smart spring
  • 1 x Two-Way Memory spring
  • 1 x smart Wire 0.006″ diameter (125mm)
  • 1 x Memory Metal (125mm)

smart spring:

At room temperature this spring is soft enough to pull out to approximately 50mm by applying a small force.

When heated to 70°C by passing an electric current through it (or by other means such as hot water or a heat gun, etc), the spring contracts to its original length with a useful pulling force (equivalent to lifting a 0.5kg weight).

  • spring weight: 1.1g
  • Dimensions: 20mm (when closed), 5.5mm external diameter. 4mm internal diameter

Two Way Memory spring:

These remarkable springs, based on a brass alloy, ‘remember’ to open up when heated and close again when cool.

If immersed in hot water at or around 90°C they will open in a split second and close as quickly if dropped in cold waterSuch springs have many industrial applications – e.g., in sprinkler and fire damping systems where they replace expensive single-use only fusible links.

  • spring weight: 3g
  • The spring is 10mm long, extending to 25mm in hot water.
  • 11.5mm external diameter
  • 9mm internal diameter

smart Wire:

Smart wire is a shape memory alloy (sMA) that changes its length with a useful pulling force when a small current is passed through it.  The smart Wire is activated by passing a small electric current through it.  It is also affected by temperature.

  • 125mm length
  • 0.15mm diameter wire
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