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A boxed kit of 12 reference samples, for teaching geography, forensics, science and agriculture. The samples have been air-dried, sieved through a 6mm mesh and packed in containers, with one of each soil type. The kit can be used for describing and grouping soils on the basis of characteristics, including, appearance, texture and permeability.

Labelled with soil type and contained in a Gratnells tray. Each set is supplied with a detailed experimental booklet.

Contents 200ml containers of each soil type.

  • Cambisol (brown earth)
  • Fluvisol (silt soil)
  • Gley soil (clay soil)
  • Histosol (peat soil)
  • Lithosol (calcareous clay)
  • Leptosol (chalk soil)
  • Podzol (elluviated sandy horizon)
  • Rendzina (calcareous soil)
  • Anthrosol (man made loam)
  • Cryosol (tundra soil)
  • Arenosol (sandy soil)
  • Regosol (mountain soil)
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