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Save time, money, the environment...and get better gel results! sYBR safe® is a DNA stain that fluoresces with a bright green colour when excited with UV light. Like Ethidium Bromide, sYBR safe® binds specifically to the DNA double helix. However, unlike Ethidium Bromide, sYBR safe® has been engineered to be less mutagenic then Ethidium Bromide, making it much safer to use, particularly in the classroom.

The fast, easy staining protocol incorporates sYBR® safe into the molten agarose before the gel is poured into the casting tray. This means that the DNA is staining while the electrophoresis experiment is running! Results can be visualised immediately post electrophoresis.

SYBR® safe is provided as a 10,000X concentrate. Be sure to calculate the amount used for staining before casting the gel. For example, 5 μl of sYBR® safe is added to 50 ml of molten agarose for DNA visualisation.

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